Blas Flor Lorente
20170405 10520170405 105

Dr. Blas Flor Lorente

General and GI surgery

CV Médicos con centros Blas Flor Lorente

General Information

Specialist in Coloproctology and Oncological Surgery

Head of the General and Digestive Surgery Service of the Hospital Quirónsalud of Valencia and specialist in colorectal cancer surgery, he has more than fifteen years of experience in oncological surgery. . The doctor has performed more than 1,000 colon and rectal cancer procedures with local recurrence rates below 5%. Author of more than 30 scientific articles and 80 communications and papers at national and international conferences. National Prize of Coloproctology of the AECP in two occasions and member of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Association of Coloproctology and ex-Member of the Board of Directors of the AECP and of the Coloproctology Section of the AEC.

Contact Telephone: 963 390 400

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CV Médicos con centros Blas Flor Lorente

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