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Emergency Torrevieja ~ Emergencies Torrevieja

Adult Emergency Department

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>> Telephone: +34 966 925 779

The medical emergencies service for adults at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja is responsible for comprehensive emergency care for adults, 24 hours a day. In addition, we also have a daytime paediatric emergency service.

Our emergency doctors in Torrevieja take care of you and the ones you care about the most

Medical care is provided according to protocols and clinical practice guidelines of scientific societies and with the help of new radiological techniques and the performance of medical and surgical procedures appropriate to the patient's problems.

Urgencies 24 hours Torrevieja : Your Emergencies are ours Emergencies

In order to provide high quality medical and surgical care, we have a team of professionals who:

  • Maintains a physical presence 24 hours a day.
  • Collaborates with specialists in GENERAL SURGERY, RADIOLOGY, TRAUMATOLOGY and other medical-surgical specialities.
  • We have an EMERGENCY LABORATORY, ECOGRAPHY, TAC or SCANNER and MRI and other complementary diagnostic methods.
  • It is constantly updated by organising and attending various teaching and scientific events.
  • Outpatient emergencies

  • Surgical emergencies

Direct telephone Quirónsalud Torrevieja Emergency Room: +34 966 925 779

Urgencias Torrevieja consulta telefonica quironsalud sin citaUrgencias Torrevieja consulta telefonica quironsalud sin cita

If it's urgent for you, it's urgent for us

  • We work with the main national and international medical insurers.
  • Our own ambulance service.
  • Paediatric daytime emergencies.
  • Free translation service (English, German, French, Dutch/Flemish, Russian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish).
  • Traffic Unit

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Need more information? Contact with us / Emergency phone Torrevieja: +34 966 925 779