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Solicita información sobre el Servicio de Coloproctología

Responsable: IDCQ HOSPITALES Y SANIDAD S.L.U. Calle Zurbarán 28, Madrid (28010) Datos de contacto DPO: Finalidad: Atender correctamente a su petición de información Procedencia: propio interesado. Legitimación: Interés legítimo en responder a sus dudas y gestionar sus citas. Destinatarios: los datos personales no serán comunicados a terceros salvo obligación legal o previo consentimiento del interesado. Derechos: Podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y limitación del tratamiento, como se explica en la Información Adicional.

Coloproctologic Surgery is based on the treatment of disorders of the colon, rectum and anus. The Coloproctology Service of the Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja develops an important activity in the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal processes. Coloproctology is the part of Medicine that is dedicated to the treatment of all those diseases related to the colon, rectum and anal region.

In our service we apply the latest technological advances, both medical and surgical, suitable to reduce patient discomfort. It is usually done with regional anesthesia, which shortens the hospital stay getting an early incorporation into daily life. We perform functional studies for the diagnosis and treatment of benign colon pathologies, such as constipation, irritable bowel or anal incontinence. We work in coordination with the Obstetrics Service, following and treating the proctological complications that may arise to women during pregnancy or postpartum. We also developed a Program for the Early Diagnosis and Follow-up of colon and rectal cancer.

  • Hemorrhoidal sclerosis. It allows ambulant control of bleeding by painless injection of a sclerosing substance into the hemorrhoidal package. Elastic bands can also be applied for the same purpose.
  • Longo hemorrhoidectomy (Circular Anopexy). Indicated for patients with bleeding hemorrhoids. It is performed under regional anesthesia and consists of definitively removing the internal hemorrhoidal packages by means of a mechanical suture system. By not leaving external wounds, postoperative pain is minimal and can be performed on an outpatient basis. The patient submitted to this technique can sit down normally on the same day of the intervention.
  • Non-surgical treatment of anal fissure.