Make an appointment in this specialty

It is the part of Allergology that treats children specifically for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of the different allergies associated with pediatric age.

  • Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma and, if necessary, antiallergic vaccination.
  • Food allergies: it is done with the pricack test and in the case of milk allergy or specific analytical egg. In this section, food provocation tests are also carried out.
  • Atopic dermatitis: children with very dry skin because they have allergy problems. Treatment for this pathology.
  • Urticaria, especially those produced by food. Skin tests or pricack test.
  • Drug allergies: specific provocation.

Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja offers you:

  • Child Allergology Consultation.
  • Allergy detection test.