Urodynamics and Urination Disorders
Urodynamic exploration is a specialized study of the urinary tract performed by the urologist and seeks to assess the functioning of the lower urinary tract. In this way a better diagnosis is obtained thanks to the records obtained during its execution and thus establish the specific treatment that the patient should receive.
During urodynamics, the function of the urinary tract is determined, both during the storage of urine in the bladder and during emptying. To carry out the test, the bladder must be filled by introducing a small-bore probe through the urethra, which will allow the measurement of the pressure inside the bladder and, at the same time, it will carry the liquid with which it is filled the bladder (which is sterile water) inside. A rectal probe that measures abdominal pressure should also be inserted. Once the probes are placed in their proper place, they proceed to fill the bladder and take the respective registers. Later, when the patient manifests a desire to urinate, the irrigation is suspended so that the urination begins.
The performance of a urodynamic study is indicated whenever there is suspicion of a lower urinary tract malfunction. Some of the urodynamic indications are:
- Study of neurogenic bladder (myelodysplasias, spinal trauma, brain damage, etc).
- Recurrent urinary infections when anatomical causes are ruled out.
- Urinary incontinence in women.
- Study of urinary incontinence in children and enuresis (urination during sleep).
- Study of urinary incontinence in men.
- Urinary tract infections in children when a functional cause is suspected.
- Low urinary symptoms in men and women (frequent urination in day and night, urinary retention, burning during urination, etc.).
Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja
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