Doing ludic subjects that do not require concentration in the early morning or eliminating exams on Mondays helps students improve their school performance as evidenced by the European study Sleep Habits in Student's Performance on sleep habits in school performance led by Dr. Gonzalo Pin, Head of the Pediatrics Service and the Sleep Unit of Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia, who will be presented tomorrow in the Ministry of Education to all the entities involved in the education system.

The main objective of this project has been to recognize the influence of sleep and rest on the emotional and physical state of the student, as well as their learning capacity to optimize the schedules in which students have a greater capacity of attention and apply measures that allow a better learning of the most complex subjects.

As Dr. Pin explains, "thanks to this study, we can affirm that good sleep habits and their optimization in terms of the amount of rest and time of the same favors better school performance and contributes to less aggressiveness in the classroom."

The specialist urges the educational community to establish such simple activities as an entrance with soft music, illuminated and ventilated classes or actions as basic as placing the students who are most confused by the window to prevent school failure.

"Establishing healthy guidelines in family life, such as going to school, having dinner with the family, reading before going to bed or not using technology after 7:00 p.m., are also key when it comes to maximizing children's school performance," he concludes. the specialist.

Labels: Quirónsalud Valencia; pediatría Quirónsalud; sueño; rendimiento escolar; fracaso escolar