"One out of every ten emergencies attended during the failures originated in fire", as indicated by Dr. Mª Teresa Resta, head of the emergency service of the Quirónsalud hospital in Valencia, "although in recent years the campaign of popular awareness and the regulation of the sale of pyrotechnic material means that the number of burn injuries does not increase as drastically as in previous decades. "

While in minors the origin is the improper use of pyrotechnic material, in adults, it is the consumption of alcohol or other substances associated with the manipulation of pyrotechnic material that is the most frequent reason. "We must not forget that, although Valencians culturally relativize the danger of the manipulation of gunpowder and fire, age and the conditions in which it is used, can increase the risk of injury. It is not negligible either the accidents related to the bonfires carried out in the street in the popular competitions of paellas ", explains Doctor Resta.

How to act before a burn

Faced with a burn, the specialist recommends removing the source of heat that generates it. Subsequently, cool the burned area with non-refrigerated water or physiological saline, if available. The rinsing of the area should be prolonged for approximately 30 minutes. "Cleaning the burned area and the nearby surface with soap and water, as well as its subsequent thorough rinsing, reduces the risk of complications and superinfections. Before moving to a health center, it is best to cover the burn with sterile material (gauze or compresses) moistened with saline, "advises the specialist. In case of burns of significant extension or that compromise the via area, the injured person must be transferred to a hospital as soon as possible.

In the emergency services, the initial treatment will consist of cleaning and disinfecting the burned area and the attached surface. The disinfection is done with chlorhexidine to subsequently proceed to the occlusive cure with creams without antibiotics and oil-free gauzes without antibiotic whose objective is the rehydration of the burned area. The only indication of antibiotic treatment in a burn, whose treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, is the confirmation of an infection. "For this reason it is very important the daily monitoring of the injury by health personnel to detect possible complications. Once the burn has been healed, the bandage and the area must remain dry, it should not get wet, "warns Dr. Resta.

The specialist recalls making responsible use of the pyrotechnic material and always separating the sources of heat (wicks, cigars, etc.) from the firecrackers to avoid the unforeseen explosion of the same.

Labels: 55/5000 emergencies, burns, Fallas 2018; Quirónsalud Valencia