Solicita más información sobre la Unidad de Cirugía General

Responsable: IDCQ HOSPITALES Y SANIDAD S.L.U. Calle Zurbarán 28, Madrid (28010) Datos de contacto DPO: Finalidad: Atender correctamente a su petición de información Procedencia: propio interesado. Legitimación: Interés legítimo en responder a sus dudas y gestionar sus citas. Destinatarios: los datos personales no serán comunicados a terceros salvo obligación legal o previo consentimiento del interesado. Derechos: Podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y limitación del tratamiento, como se explica en la Información Adicional.

The organisation of the General and Digestive System Surgery Department at Quirónsalud Valencia is based on cooperation by a group of surgeons whose common goal is to offer the best technical options for comprehensive medical care. This cooperation allows us to provide all the sub-specialities of General Surgery in the best possible terms.

It is made up of six functional units:


Specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of oesophagus and stomach diseases. It offers treatment using minimally invasive surgery techniques for gastric diseases (laparoscopy) or oesophageal diseases (thoracoscopy). It undertakes short stay surgery (one night surgery) for common diseases such as hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is a pioneer in Spain in performing intragastric, laparoscopic techniques for the treatment of gastric submucosal tumours.


Hernia surgery is the most common operation performed by a General Surgery department. Quirónsalud Surgery Department is clearly aware of this fact and hence it offers all the existing options for the treatment of hernias and abdominal wall diseases: prosthetic techniques, ambulatory surgery, laparoscopic surgery of hernias and eventrations.


It treats benign and malignant diseases of colon, rectum and anus as well as inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis). It develops laparoscopic surgery programmes of colon and small intestine, early discharge surgery (fast track programmes). Study and treatment of proctologic pathology and pelvic floor: haemorrhoids, complex anal fistulas, incontinence.