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Solicita información sobre el Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia

Responsable: IDCQ HOSPITALES Y SANIDAD S.L.U. Calle Zurbarán 28, Madrid (28010) Datos de contacto DPO: Finalidad: Atender correctamente a su petición de información Procedencia: propio interesado. Legitimación: Interés legítimo en responder a sus dudas y gestionar sus citas. Destinatarios: los datos personales no serán comunicados a terceros salvo obligación legal o previo consentimiento del interesado. Derechos: Podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y limitación del tratamiento, como se explica en la Información Adicional.

The Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja is composed of prestigious specialists whose efforts are focused on giving answers and solutions to women in all their vital stages, from periodic gynecological check-ups, to the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological oncological diseases more complex, going through benign pathologies and attention to pubertal changes, disorders of adulthood, menopause, and of course, preconceptional care and monitoring of pregnancy. In addition, our professionals are specialists in the monitoring of women during pregnancy and after delivery.

It is our policy to function as a structured unit, with common objectives and protocols, and always in close collaboration with the units of pediatrics, prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction. Among the specialized units of the gynecology service include:

  • General gynecology consultation.
  • Consultation of pelvic floor.
  • Consultation of lower genital tract.
  • Oncological gynecology consultation.
  • Sterility consultation.

Our specialists have the most advanced techniques in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery, for the treatment of gynecological pathologies. We have state-of-the-art technology such as mammography and ultrasound scans, and with the collaboration of surgery, pathology, oncology, mammary pathology and vascular surgery.

Gynecological surgery: gynecological pathologies of major or minimally invasive surgery are treated, depending on the case. The Gynecology Service of Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja has the most innovative techniques for minimally invasive surgery: laparoscopic techniques and Robotic Surgery with Da Vinci system.

Pelvic floor unit for the comprehensive care of women and their quality of life. A multidisciplinary service in which Gynecology, Urology, Surgery and Rehabilitation participate. Objective: the complete restoration of the anatomy, architecture and functionality of the pelvic floor and the organs it contains: bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum.

Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja also treats the pathologies derived from infertility. The team of specialists of the Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja is up to date with the new trends and developments in gynecology.


It is very important to prevent the incontinence that appears in the middle age of life, avoiding that the risk situations in the life of the woman have a later repercussion, so it is very important to follow a preventive treatment in the preparation to the childbirth, in the postpartum , in the woman athlete or in the woman who must undergo urogynecological surgery among others. It is also advisable to prevent recurrences by applying mesh, etc.