Pelvic floor unit
Pelvic floor unit for the comprehensive care of women and their quality of life. A multidisciplinary service in which Gynecology, Urology, Surgery and Rehabilitation participate. Objective: the complete restoration of the anatomy, architecture and functionality of the pelvic floor and the organs it contains: bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum.
- Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: These are alterations in the static, aesthetic and functioning of the organs contained in the pelvis. These dysfunctions condition the quality of life of the woman.
- Urinary incontinence: are involuntary losses of urine.
How to know if I have incontinence:
- Urine leakage with exertion, cough, physical exercise, etc.
- Increased frequency when urinating even at night.
- Impossibility of delaying urination when the desire to urinate ensues.
- Prolapse: is the descent of the pelvic organs through the vagina (the bladder, uterus or rectum).
How to know if I have a prolapse:
- If you notice a bulge that protrudes through the genitals and that did not exist before.
- Feeling of weight and dropping in the vagina.
- Rub and bleed with her underwear.
- Difficulty to have sexual intercourse by vaginal obstacle.
- Other reasons to go to the pelvic floor unit:
- Inability or difficulty urinating.
- Pain in the bladder or urination.
- Frequent urinary infections.
- Incontinence of feces and gases.
- Vaginal surgery of rejuvenation and labial plasties vulvovaginal malformations.
- Diagnosis: The diagnosis is made through a series of tests supported by cutting-edge technology:
- Anamnesis and exploration (clinical history).
- Urine tests: detection of infections or presence of blood in urine.
- Ultrasounds: assessment of the size of the uterus and the functioning of the sphincters.
- Hyssop test or Q-tipest: technique to assess urethral mobility.
- Quality of life and voiding diary questionnaires: monitoring and objective assessment of symptoms in women urodynamic and fluxometric tests: assessment of bladder function and urinary system other radiological tests.
It is very important to prevent the incontinence that appears in the middle age of life, avoiding that the risk situations in the life of the woman have a later repercussion, so it is very important to follow a preventive treatment in the preparation to the childbirth, in the postpartum , in the woman athlete or in the woman who must undergo urogynecological surgery among others. It is also advisable to prevent recurrences by applying mesh, etc.