Solicita información sobre el Servicio de Cardiología

Responsable: IDCQ HOSPITALES Y SANIDAD S.L.U. Calle Zurbarán 28, Madrid (28010) Datos de contacto DPO: Finalidad: Atender correctamente a su petición de información Procedencia: propio interesado. Legitimación: Interés legítimo en responder a sus dudas y gestionar sus citas. Destinatarios: los datos personales no serán comunicados a terceros salvo obligación legal o previo consentimiento del interesado. Derechos: Podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y limitación del tratamiento, como se explica en la Información Adicional.

The Integral Cardiology Unit of Hospital Quirónsalud Costa Adeje offers complete quality care for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Comprehensive cardiological care offers an accurate diagnosis with the best treatment available, no matter how complex it may be.

For this, Quirónsalud Costa Adeje has a multidisciplinary team of professionals of recognized prestige and the latest medical and human advances. We have an interpreter service to assist you in your own language.

Clinical Cardiology unit: outpatient consultations and hospitalization

The clinical cardiology unit is the center of our specialization unit and has experienced cardiologists who are the reference point and coordinate the conduct of tests and interconsultations with other professionals. They will treat you as many if you go to the hospital as if they were hospitalized, they will explain your problem and indicate their treatment or organize the performance of other specialists if necessary, thus guaranteeing what the patient needs: a high quality of care.