This creates the possibility to safely preserve female gametes and embryos for a prolonged period of time. Thanks to this technique, patients may have children after receiving cancer treatment or postpone parenthood for any reason.
When is it recommended?
- To preserve surplus embryos after an IVF-ICSI cycle.
- For women who are about to undergo cancer treatment and wish to preserve their ability to have children.
- When a woman wishes to postpone motherhood.
- For women with a low ovarian reserve.
- In patients for whom freezing an embryo creates an ethical dilemma.
- In patients who, after having IVF treatment, produce a high number of eggs and for ethical reasons are opposed to freezing them.
What does it involve?
Vitrification is a process by which eggs are stored at very low temperature through a process that prevents ice-crystal formation by causing an extreme and rapid rise in the egg's viscosity.
The eggs are then protected and immersed in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C.
The technique is simple and produces good outcomes. It can be used to store both eggs and human embryos, which is why it has many applications.
Egg extraction is done according to the same methods used for IVF treatment: ovary stimulation and egg extraction. Afterward, rather than fertilizing the eggs, they are vitrified and stored.
How effective is it?
When the eggs come from a young woman (35 years or younger), storage is a fantastic option, as more than 90% of the oocytes survive the process
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