Rodrigo Díaz Fernández
Rodrigo Díaz Fernández

Dr. Rodrigo Díaz Fernández

Orthopedic surgery and traumatology

CV Médicos con centros Rodrigo Díaz Fernández

General Information

Traumatólogo, especialista en pie y tobillo

Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 14
46010 Valencia
Tfo. 96 339 04 00

Research and teaching

  • Profesor asociado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir


Especialista en artroscopia de Pie y Tobillo


  • Autor de artículos internacionales y nacionales relacionados con la patología de pie y tobillo. Ponente en numerosos cursos y congresos. Instructor de artroscopia de tobillo a nivel nacional.

Awards and certifications

  • Licenciado en Medicina por la Universidad de Oviedo en 2001
  • Especialista en Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, siendo médico residente de traumatología del Hospital Universitario la Fe de Valencia hasta el 2007
  • Rotación en el extranjero en el Hôpital Henri Mondor de París, Knappschafkrankenhaus Bottrop (Alemania) y con los Dres Michael Vitek (Viena) y Hans-Peter Abt del BGU Klinik Frankfurt (Alemania) para la formación en patología de pie y tobillo.
  • Doctor en Medicina por la Universidad Católica de Valencia con la calificación Sobresaliente "cum laude" por la tesis "Doble Osteotomía Percutánea en el Tratamiento del Hallux valgus" donde desarrolla una técnica novedosa mini-invasiva para el tratamiento de los juanetes.
  • Autor de artículos internacionales y nacionales relacionados con la patología de pie y tobillo. Ponente en numerosos cursos y congresos. Instructor de artroscopia de tobillo a nivel nacional.
  • Obtención de 3 becas y un premio a la mejor comunicación oral del 42 congreso de la SOTOCAV en 2014.
  • Profesor de Prácticum de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Católica de Valencia del curso 2015-201. Colaborador docente de la Universidad Católica del 2001 al 2014. Profesor de Máster en Traumatología de la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera.
  • Socio de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología (SECOT) y de la Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía de Pie y Tobillo (SEMCPT) de la que es miembro de la Comisión nacional de Prótesis de Tobillo.
  • Fellow of the European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (FEBOT)".


Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia and Medical Specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery since 1988.

He currently serves as Chief of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service at the Dr Peset University Hospital in Valencia and combines this work with the professor as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Valencia.

He is a specialist in orthopedic shoulder and knee surgery, especially in prosthetic solutions of the shoulder joint and prosthetic and arthroscopic knee surgery, being a pioneer in the placement of gender-dependent knee prostheses (male / female).

He is a founding partner of the Spanish Society of Surgery of Shoulder and Elbow, having belonged to the Steering Committee and is also a member of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, and the Traumatology and Orthopedic Society of the Autonomous Community of Valencia, being President of his 38 Conference celebrated in Valencia in the year 2010.

In his professional career he has published more than 80 chapters of books and articles in national and foreign journals, and 200 communications and presentations in courses and conferences. He has organized more than 30 courses on the specialty of Traumatology and has directed and formed part of doctoral thesis tribunals.

He is part of the commission that evaluates the training courses of the Valencia School of Health Studies, and is the Vice President of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Dr Peset University Hospital of Valencia.

He has received several awards for his scientific works among which stand out the prize for the best clinical research work of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, The Permium to the best scientific poster of the Spanish Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Prize for the best doctoral thesis of the Valencian Society of Rehabilitation.

Currently he collaborates in the development of knee prostheses tailored to each patient by performing a nuclear magnetic resonance and then the manufacture of a personalized guide to place the gender-dependent prosthesis in each patient.

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CV Médicos con centros Rodrigo Díaz Fernández

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