Inform the Company of possible infractions, irregularities, non-compliance or violations of the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Quirónsalud Group.
External HCPs
Third parties
Labour related regulation
- Workplace harassment
- Security and health at work
- Discrimination and favored treatment
- Sexual and gender-based harassment security
- Occupational violence
- Conflict of interest
Crimminal law
- Traffic of organs
- Genetic manipulation
- Against privacy
- Against workers rights
- Sexual harassment
- Revelation of secrets
- Intelectual & Industrial property
- Public health
- Money laundering
- Fraud
- Falsehood and breach of accounting obligations
- Influence peddling
- Public oficial corruption
- Nuclear energy and ionizing radiation
UE Law
- Quality and safety of organs and substances of human origin
- Quality and safety of medicines and products for medical use
- Patient’s rights
- Public procurement
- Food safety
- Publich Health
- Price alteration
- Environmental protection
- Protection of privacy and personal data
- Security of networks and information systems
Ethic & Conduct Code
- Law and regulation compliance
- Health & Safety
- Quality
- Competence
- Intelectual property
- Asset protection
- Data protection
- IT use
- Finantial – Non finantial information
- Anticorruption
- Anti-money laundering
- Collaboration with authorities
Human Rights
- Child labor
- Forced labor or/and slavery
- Discrimination and respect for equal treatment
- Occupational health & safety
- Freedom of association
- Fair remmuneration
- Abuse of power
- Unlawful eviction
- Environmental damaged
- Workplace harassment