Jose María Mostaza Prieto
Jose María Mostaza PrietoJose María Mostaza Prieto

Dr. Jose María Mostaza Prieto

Angiology and vascular surgery

CV Médicos con centros Jose María Mostaza Prieto

General Information

Dr. Jose María Mostaza Prieto holds a PhD in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Madrid, and a diploma in clinical research methodology from that same university. He is a specialist in Internal Medicine at La Paz Hospital, and has completed specific training in vascular risk at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary in the United Kingdom and at the Center for Human Nutrition at the Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, USA.

He has been Coordinator of the Vascular Risk Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and President of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis.

He is currently Head of the Department of the Internal Medicine Service of La Paz Hospital in Madrid and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has published 250 scientific articles in national and international journals and has given more than 400 lectures.

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