Sagrario Álvarez
Sagrario Álvarez

Dra. Sagrario Álvarez

Clinical psychology

CV Médicos con centros Sagrario Álvarez

General Information


Pza. Legión Española 4
Telephone contact: 96 390 400

Treatment of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.

  • Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks Specific phobias Mood Disorders (Depression, Bipolar Disorder ...). Stress. Eating disorder. Obsessive-compulsive behaviors Behavioral disorders Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. Coping with physical illnesses that generate psychological problems. Childhood pathologies. Program of adherence to physical exercise.
  • OTHER THERAPIES: Couple Therapy. Family Therapy Therapy with Adolescents Pre-operative relaxation Weightloss. Smoking cessation
  • GROUP THERAPIES: Self-esteem. Social skills. Weightloss.

Communications and Presentations

Comunicaciones científicas: "Body image assessment and changes in expectations in patients submitted to gastric by-pass", en el IX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía de la Obesidad. "Changes in expectations but not body image do not lead to improvement in self-steem or depression six months after laparoscopic gastric by-pass" en el XII Congreso of Internacional Federation for the Surgery of Obesity. "Valoración de la imagen corporal en relación con la sintomatología psicopatológica antes y después de la operación de by-pass gástrico" en el XXVII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos. "Seguimiento psicológico en el postoperatorio" en el XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía de la Obesidad. "Una experiencia de trabajo en equipo en el campo hospitalario" en el II Congreso Nacional de Musicoterapia.

Participación en la 1ª Jornada Nacional de Psicología aplicada a la cirugía bariatrica, dentro del XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de cirugía de la obesidad- SECO, en Valencia


Doctor in Psychology, Clinical Psychologist specializing in psychological care for cancer patients and their families. With more than 25 years of experience, she contributed to the development of Psycho-oncology in Valencia by organizing and coordinating various psychological care programs in various hospitals in the city.

She began his career as a Psycho-oncologist in 1987 at the Valencian Institute of Oncology and the AECC, developing and coordinating the first program of psychological support and care for women with breast cancer. Later in 1991 she joined the Oncology and Hematology Service of the University Clinical Hospital, creating a Psycho-oncology consultation; since 2007 member of the Hereditary Cancer Group of the Valencian Community, advising patients and families with suspected hereditary cancer. She has designed, organized and coordinated different campaigns related to the dissemination of the European Decalogue against Cancer and the Prevention of Breast Cancer.

She is currently Associate Professor of the Department of Personality Evaluation and Psychological Treatments of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Valencia, Psycho-oncologist at Hospital Quirón Valencia member of the Bioethics Committee of the Clinical Department-Malvarrosa as well as of different scientific societies: Spanish Society of Oncology, Spanish Societies of Senology and Breast Pathology, Spanish Psycho-oncology Society, American Psychological Association.

Currently a referent in the ASACO society of the Welfare Program serving women affected by gynaecological cancers in a subsidized manner.

Teacher in University Master's and training of specialists in psycho-oncology. Author of different publications in specialized magazines and book chapters related to psycho-oncology.

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CV Médicos con centros Sagrario Álvarez

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