- For our style: We can only be a great team if we know how to take care of you on the different aspects involving assisted reproduction. The emotional factor is essential to us. Therefore, apart from having top qualifications, all members of the team are also renowned for their remarkable humane qualities.
- For our results: We obtain great results every day. On the one hand, thanks to the excellent facilities provided by Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, but also as a reward for taking care of many small details.
- For our approach: Our goal is to clearly make you aware on the alternatives you have right from the beginning so that you can also make a medically appropriate decision. Therefore, the first visit is essential. It is free and lasts about 60 minutes, which we will spend to know each other in depth: your medical history, prior diagnoses, treatments undergone, emotional approach, etc.
- For our constant support during treatment: Reproductive treatments begin when the menstruation of the patient begins. From this moment on, we carry out a comprehensive follow-up of the process through ultrasound, analysis and explanatory visits. Our interest is focused on you so that you perfectly understand the cycle in the consultation and you don't get any doubts or worries at home.
- For our ambience: We have two consultation rooms at the Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital (Pozuelo de Alarcón) and one at the Quirónsalud San José Hospital (Madrid). Both centres also have the facility for the collection and analysis of blood samples and the collection and preparation of sperm samples.
- By Metro: Line 10
- By Bus:up to Colonia Jardín and there take the Light Metro (Line 2) to Prado de la Vega.
Antonio Gosálvez
Head -Assisted Reproduction Institute
Elena Fernández
Deputy Director of Institute -Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital
Nuria Martín
Deputy Director of Institute -Quirónsalud San José Hospital
Óscar Oviedo
Gynaecologist -Assisted Reproduction Institute
Matías Brandt
Gynaecologist -Assisted Reproduction Institute
Ana Fernández-Sanguino
Gynaecologist -Assisted Reproduction Institute
Paula Pastor
Gynaecologist -Assisted Reproduction Institute
Miriam Iglesias
Director - Reproduction Labs, Quirónsalud Madrid Hospitals
Laura Vidal
Deputy Director - Labs, Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital
Zulema González
Senior Embryologist IVF Lab
Sara Corral
Embryologist - IVF Lab and reproductive genetics expert
Miriam Rodríguez
Embryologist - IVF Lab
- Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination is a simple technique that comprises introducing capacitated sperm (improved) in the uterus, after ovarian stimulation and synchronisation with ovulation.
Its success rate per cycle (intent) is about 20% (in women younger than 36 years, who have at least one patent fallopian tube whose partner has a seminogram count with REM over 3 million). It gets reduced to 15% in women aged between 37 to 39 years and to 10% between 40 and 41 years.
It is common practice to carry out 3 - 4 cycles as above this number the pregnancy rate gradually drops.
- Invitro Fertilisation
This is a more complex technique, as the aim is to generate embryos and place them in the woman's uterus. A more intensive ovarian stimulation is needed; the extraction of oocytes is done by Ovarian puncture under sedation (general anaesthesia) and fertilised in the lab with the partners sperm. The obtained embryos are left for several days in the lab to select those with an apparent better quality for transfer to the women. Although success depends on many factors, the most critical factor is maternal age.
We have 60% gestation rate in patients under 34 years and 40% in those around 37, and less than 30% in women aged above 40 years.
- Cryopreservation of Eggs and Sperm
Vitrification of eggs: It is performed as a supplement in an IVF cycle where through clinical indication (ovarian hyperstimulation risk) or blood test (hormonal alterations), it is not convenient to transfer the embryos in the same cycle.
It can also be performed prior to undergoing cancer treatment provided that the patient's prognosis allows it, as post-surgery fertility, radiation therapy or chemotherapy is uncertain.
It is increasingly frequent for women to decide to store eggs in order to postpone motherhood.
Cryopreservation of sperm: It can be done in an IVF cycle. It is also performed after a testicular biopsy (provided that the obtained sperm have suitable features for later use) and prior to undergoing cancer treatment, provided that the patient's prognosis allows it.
- Reception of Donated Eggs
It comprises the use of eggs of a young woman (donor). It is employed in cases of advanced maternal age, early menopause or poor oocyte quality. The patient receives a simple hormonal treatment to strengthen endometrium (uterus) growth and coordinate the reception of embryos.
Pregnancy rate is 65% in the transfer of 2 embryos.
- Embryonic Genetic Studies
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Genetic analysis of the resulting embryos from an IVF cycle to select non-carriers of a serious hereditary disease previously known in the parents.
Preimplantation genetic screening. Genetic analysis of the resulting embryos from an IVF cycle to select non-carriers of a chromosome imbalance (useful in some cases of repeated miscarriage and in advanced maternal age).
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